Filing period runs from January 15 through February 14, 2025. Filing can be done at Bartonville Town Hall. Updates will be added as information becomes available about candidates running.
Please must all do our homework prior to voting. Recommendations will be made here.
Keep Bartonville Country as always supports the current Land Use Plan which designates the size of properties available for development and the amount of commercial in Bartonville.
Please help us protect our town by being a part of the Keep Bartonville Country® team. Protect Bartonville from becoming part of the sprawling, high density metroplex which would destroy the country atmosphere we all love.
Keep Bartonville Country (KBC) reads posted agendas monthly prior to Council, Planning and Zoning, Bartonville Community Development Corporation, Board of Adjustment and Crime Control. KBC alerts its entire membership if there is a need of citizen's input for or against any upcoming issues. Citizen involvement in our town is very important. Town residents can protect the town short term and long term . Your involvement is the key to guiding and shaping Bartonville now and for the future. Please take the time to subscribe to KBC.
Place 1, 3 and 5 seats will be elected for a 2 year term.
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